Wednesday, April 27, 2011

lawful ideology

First, individual choice
1. Idealist view of history by materialist conception of history and the only criterion is whether the admission of
A. DU will promote the social development of the inner contradictions B. admit that social being determines social consciousness
C. admit that development and changes of social history is to recognize the social and historical development of D. is a regular
2. on social development is the maximum conducive geographical conditions, natural conditions
A. B. wealthy natural tropical moderate conditions
C. D. natural conditions there are differences and diversity of natural conditions
3. to differentiate nature and society and the unity of both the basis and knots are the natural C
A. Labor B. . man D. Social
4. economic globalization is the outcome of the development of human communication, its marrow is
A. In the new technological revolution, under the conditions of a fundamental change in the political superstructure
B. Conditions in the new technological revolution fundamental change in ideological superstructure of the new technological revolution
C. beneath the conditions of original society and division of labor in the development of
D. Under the new scientific revolution to improve the human competence to vanquish nature
5. dialectical materialism Main husband and historical materialism, dialectical relationship is
A. earlier, historical materialism, historical materialism, the former in the latter
B., dialectical materialism and dialectical materialism in the post
C. Historical materialism is the theory of two neutral
D. dialectical materialism - communism and historical materialism is hurl from a unattached piece of steel unified whole
6. geographical environment and impact on society
A . manifested through the production level of development through social and psychological manifested B.
C. D. manifested via the social system, manifested through social revolution
7. human fatigue process of material production must have 3 basic conditions or
A. basic units of human labor, of labor and production tools B. human labor, production and labor object
C.'s labor, production and labor file D. human labor, of labor the subject of labor
8. All of human nature conquer and transform nature, C, human creatures can maintain the ecological balance
D. humanity can understand and use the laws of nature
9. people's thinking, motivation and intention to fulfill the degree, relying on whether the theory of their
A. , systematically if a certain historical stage B. obtain spread
C. whether D. has been accepted and whether it reflects the objective law of development of asset requires
10. social law is the difference with the laws of nature
A. is an objective natural law, social law is subjective
B. laws of nature is the inherent nature of social law is man-made laws of nature
C. work spontaneously, the laws of society through human activities to achieve it can not be abandoned
D. and change the laws of nature, laws of society can be forsook and change
11. of material production is the relationship between embodied
A. natural material and social existence of the relationship between material and B. awareness of the relationship
C. D. Relationship between subject and object of man and nature, human relations
12. to meter the nature and level of productivity namely
A. objective measures of labor skills of workers object B. the level of product quality
C. D. production tools
13. the basic structure of society is
A. based on train in the community formed the basic structure of social relations in common access the class structure
C. social sector structure
D. The relationship between social organizations
14. development of productive forces and social conditions of material production is
A. extremely developed science and technology
C. B. D. economic system of production relations
15.'s progressive productive forces is the cardinal embodiment and symbol of workers
A. B. Science and Technology of the thing of labor
C. D. management
16. judge on citizen temperament is
A. B. organization of state power of the ruling class ideology
C. manifold social classes in the country's position in the considering of citizen governors ambition of D.
17. all the social relations of human The most basic relationship is
A. B. kinship relations of production
C. D. ideological and political relations between
18. Engels pointed out: all religions and legal systems, all theoretical point of view, only the understanding of every era of the corresponding material living conditions and material conditions from which were derived from the time to comprehend the relationship between human and nature B.
C. political relations between people thought the material interests of human relationships D.
20. in the relations of production structure, the decision is the nature of production relations < br> A. B. production exchange relationship between the ownership of distribution relationships
C. D. Consumption
A. economic base is the productive forces and production relations with the alphabetical unity of
B. a certain stage of development of productive forces, relations of production to adapt to the sum of
C. certain stage of development with the productive forces to adapt the dominant relations of production
D. with a certain stage of development of productive forces to adapt to the dominant relations of production combined
22. social and political structure or political, is the core of the superstructure
A. Philosophy and Religion
C. B. D. political ideology of state power
23. the concept of social structure all butcial Ideology is
A. B. the amount of all the ideas and views of all cerebral phenomena have to reflect the amount of
C. socio-economic form of ideas, viewpoints, reflect a certain sum of
D. sensitive social patterns, customs habits, emotional sum
24. superstructure superstructure form of social consciousness and social consciousness in the form of non-difference is
A. The former reflects the social existence, which does not reflect the existence of the former only
B. reflect the social phenomenon, which reflects only a natural phenomenon
C. The former reflect economic fundamentals, which does not reflect economic fundamentals
D. The former has a settled form, the latter is not settled in the form of
25. in the community the concept of structure or ideology melodramas a central role in the superstructure is
A. Religion B. Political and Legal Philosophy
C. D. ideological and moral
26 in the material and ideological relations and the superstructure is
A . ideological material relationship between B. D.
C. economic relations between the attribute
27. historical materialism, that human civilization is built by
A. B. social material wealth and social and cultural wealth of the results and results
C. Social and asset of all the sum of the positive results of social and political civilization, D. and results
28. Marx pointed out that material exchanges. and the language of real life intertwined. concepts, ideas, contacts the spirit of the people here or people in the direct product of material relations. manifested in a national political, legal, moral, religious, metaphysical and other languages the spirit of the production is favor this. choice
1. idealist conception of history the main mistake is
A. amplified mental ingredients in the social history of the role of psychological factors
B. did not see the material play a decisive role behind the factors and laws role
C. exaggerated the role of the individual in the history of D. denied the role of the people making history
E. acknowledge conspicuous figure in the history of the development of the vital role
2. produce Marxist historical materialism Before long the dominant idealism is the source of
A. Production and scientific community as a entire are lagging back
B. dominant exploiting class inevitably exaggerate the strength and brave spirit of the historical role of
C. of the masses were deprived of the right to enjoy the spiritual and cultural activities, the system can not generate their own history
D. subjectivity of human and social development gave rise to the illusion of history before
E. Heroes are created
3. Lenin pointed out that the theory of social history ahead Marx was
A. failings do not recognize the role of class struggle
B. People do not accomplish namely the ideology of history
C. The character of the development of matter production is no to be penetrated for social relations, changes in the source
D. did not see the people's role in the history of theory of additional amount not base E.
4. production decision on the role of social and historical development of material shown in
A. mode of production and existence of human society based
B. production of all other social relations of society and social activities based
C. mode of production determines the nature of the social system determines the production
D. geographic and demographic factors play a role in the size of the
E. production determines the changes in social patterns
5. the general social consciousness Nationalism is portrayed
A. D. B. Practical class nature of the relative independence of
C. E. dependency on social existence
6. difference between social consciousness is an advanced or backward is to look at the fundamental symbol Does it reflect
A. B demands and aspirations of all classes and social development in the same direction
C. D reflects the interests of the verdict class adopted by the majority members of society and serve
E. reflected in the fashionable mode of production < br> 7. The higher the level of development of social production, the geographical environment A. The higher the degree of exploitation by B. geographical amplitude of the break more solemn
C. geographical environment is the more reasonable use of natural D. The more complicated the relationship between the geographical environment
E. does not work on the social development of the more
8. The following is the phenomenon of interaction between nature and society of peasants cultivating the land there
A. B. lightning occasioned forest bombards
C. water pollution caused by epidemics D. Lankan some haphazard cutting of forests to agricultural production taint erosion
9. Marx: main implication of the proposition is
A. The object of practice is the social history of social relations B. Practice is practice is the birthplace of
C. D. social history of the main practice is the essence of social life among the customer
E . Practice is the existence of human society
10. Which of the following point of view that the social subsistence determines social consciousness, social consciousness
A. With the emergence of social existence and social consciousness generated B. Development of social existence as the pancreas and given the existence and development of
C. social change social consciousness simultaneously D. What variety of social existence, there is what variety of social consciousness
E. In a class society, associated with the social and economic infrastructure of that part of form of social consciousness with the class nature
11. human society is the Like is a law of nature, in line with the development of the dialectical law of social development
C. Development of law and the natural globe is the equivalent
D. social and natural, like all its activities without people consciously
E. Since Social development is the process of natural history, natural science, as human as likely, with the accurate study of the eyes of people
12. the following entities, belonging to historical materialism, B. material production practices secondhand by people to practice natural resources
C. It formed in practice in a kind of social relations practice D. regulating people's legal system, practical activities people
E. create productivity
13. facing environment is contaminated, scale up attention to the human environment, it is for
A. geographical environment is a needful condition of material life of human B. geographical environment and social development instantly determines the
C. geographical environment to determine the nature of society D. geography and social development by means of material production constraints
E. geography can resolve the instruction of social development
14. historical materialism that the objectivity of the productive forces is the < br> A. Productivity is not free to choose the people acquired the material force
B. productivity is the objective results of the before practice
C. present-day practice productivity is the material basis and starting point
D. Productivity is constituted by various elements of the objective material is a material force of society and objective conditions
E. productivity is established by objective historical conditions and social conditions of the decision, which is an objective material compel. < br> 15. objectivity of the relations of production is not free to select the people
A. B. relations of production an can not arbitrarily create or break a relationship between the relations of production
C. production of objective existence of social creature part
D. relations of production is social and material relations of production entities
E. insistent by the productivity of the material interests
16 production relations in the production process is formed by people of
A. B. The relationship between social relations between people of always people
C. Relationship between the social and economic benefits of the social and material D. relations surrounded people between people
E. social and ideological relations
17. B. Work is the source of the formation of social relations, the basis and source
C. Labor is the foundation of all social life and the source of production of D. Labor is manifestations of various social
E. Direct labor is the reality and social thought material shell
18. materialist view of history as understood by the main communication practice is
A. existence of human-specific methods and activities of the incidence of social ties between people B. A human intermediary
C. a relationship with the natural intermediary
D. based on material exchanges between the full economic, political, ideological and cultural exchanges between the sum of the
E. The interaction between countries and nations
19. The basic form of communication practice material exchanges between the main
A. Spiritual Communication
C. B. D. Political Thought of economic relations and cultural exchanges between male and nature
E. contacts
20. Communication on the role of social development and performance In
A communication can promote the development of social pregnant forces can promote the technological and cultural exchanges between B. Inheritance and Development
C. exchanges tin promote our own development surroundings is favorable to the ecological equilibrium of D. exchanges exchanges can
E. hasten the development of peace
21. pioneers of advanced productive forces,Environmental conservation namely no fair a slogan, all the work required
A. To obey with the law of development of productive forces
B. To reflect the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces, be vigilant to the development trend of advanced productive forces
C. to develop tall technology, continuously improving the quality of workers and capabilities
D. progressive reform and innovation, promote the development of productive forces to develop new ways to
E. without a damage all the relations of production and transformation superstructure
22. state system and the relationship between the performance of government in the state system and political system
A. major location in the same determination
B. state system of government, political system to adjust to and serve the requirements of the state system of administration aboard
C. state system are concerned, the consolidation and development of state system of government decision
D. state system, state system of government services for the state system can take assorted E. same form of government
23. is the difference between law and virtue law
A. produced in a class society; and moral than the antique law, long
B. State law enacted at the legislature alternatively approved, mandatory; and moral rely on public attitude, faith, institution, schooling, and habits to work
C. Laws applies only to offenses; and moral wrongdoing because all law has a class nature
D.; and moral law is no class nature and political superstructure
E.; and moral thinking of the superstructure are
24. The following are social phenomena relations of production areas have
A. labor relations subject and object B. product relationship between the amount and quality of company treatment level
C. The relationship between high and cheap D.
E ownership narrations of product . folk in the making and distribution of the exchange relationship among
25 property relations of production is the basis of all the relations of production, because
A. Who owns it is the means of production, for whom the publish prevailed
B . It determines how to combine labor and production issues
C. It determines the status of people in the production and the relationship in D. It determines the product distribution relationship
E it is to referee the social and economic structure, economic shape the nature of the objective basis
26. the economic base is the sum of the relations of production, the sum is
A. Relationship between different types of production combined B. dominant sum of three aspects of the relations of production < br> C. dominant political, economic and cultural reality of the sum of D. the sum of the existence of various forms of ownership of the social superstructure
E. determine the nature of the sum of all appearances of the relations of production
27. a certain society form of the superstructure including
A. certain stage of social development, relations of production and a certain sum of
B. productive stage of development of relations of production corresponding to the sum of
C. and the development of certain economic base the phase of political and legal system
D. development of the relations of production to a certain level compatible with productivity
E. necessarily the dominant form of social ideology
28. ideological superstructure or ideology is means
A. reflects the dominant view of economic relations between various economic systems B. reflecting the views of system
C. reflect the dominant mood of economic relations, beliefs, emotions
D. particular view all classes in society system E. particular society views the ruling class system
29. political and ideological superstructure superstructure superstructure relationship is the political decision
A. B. ideological superstructure counterproductive ideological superstructure in the political superstructure
C. political superstructure of ideas and views in a decisive established
D. under the guidance of the political superstructure and constraints of both ideological superstructure
E. reflect economic fundamentals
30 . The following systems, facilities and the sense of the field form chapter of the superstructure has
A. State organs, armed forces, prisons B. preoccupied science, logic, grammar
C. artistic, legal ideology, political ideology D. Fiction ,toronto escort, verse, drama
E. philosophical, moral, religious
31. Marxism holds that morality is
A. legally binding code of behaviour in public life B. minimum criteria
C. Personal Morals D. Coordination of class relations in view of the basic principles of
E. everlasting law to maintain social order
32. Culture is the concept of system
A. who B. Nature of
C. D. purely mental phenomena of human and social existence in the form of a symbol
33. the functional rendition of an advanced socialist mores in the
A. promoting the nation's ideological and moral qualities and scientific and cultural quality of the cultivate
B. for China's economic development and social progress to invest spiritual impetus and mastermind advocate
C. adviser China's socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization,toronto escort, economic, political. and cultural development to create advanced
D. E. changes in the productivity of the backward production relations
34 including human civilization, political civilization
A. B. spiritual material
C. D. social customs
E. sensation, fantasy
35 culture and civilization are closely narrated merely differentiated the two areas. show the relationship between culture and nature in the
A. Compared opposed to civilization and stupidity is human civilization
B. Results of the activities and culture, including human activities, processes, means and means
C. civilization is the positive results of human activities, cultural activities, including all the achievements of human culture is civilized
E. Culture the level of progress and civilization are identical in nature
one way to have
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D 8. D 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.D
13.A 14.C 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.C 24 . C
25.C 26.A 27.C 28.A
Second, the multiple choice
1.ABCD 2.ABCD 3. CD 4.ABCDE 5.DE 6.BE 7.AD 8 . ACDE
9.BDE 10.ABDE 11.ABE 12.ABE 13.AD 14.ABCDE 15.ABCE
16.ACD 17.ABC 18.ABDE 19.ABCD 20.ABC 21.ABCD
22.BCE 23.ABCE 24.DE 25.CDE 26.BE 27.CE 28.AE
29.CDE 30.ACDE 31.BC 32.ABD 33.ABC 34.ABC 35.ABCE

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