Friday, April 22, 2011

purchased a chip of stone

Indicates universe is a miracle of Chinese stone recycling?
A new mobile call users information:
would inquire the instructor to find someone to help explain: a lot of trouble years ago, bought a piece of stone, giving it a great deal and named it Xuan Tong for the ethereal. One night back and saw traces of the stone appears new, there is an apparent is very artistic ... and the rock surrounding the recent double-check again, neither how to see the miracle of stone tablets ... unravel?
2009 年 9 月 2 days and 1 / / / 2011-3-6 21:31 Reply
related Xinwen:
ethereal secret marvelous powers all infinite system never owned anybody
Xinwen connection:
(This treatise contains br> 1. not only written for my school sports:
Sports Unlimited U.S.
another year to
spring we migrate heaven and earth moving
truth seeking quiet prettiness
actually smart Perpetual Motion infinite
SMS Edition At 2:15
2. like a thousand arts and culture of people bought the stone and will not sell one hundred million mark ... God inscribed stone to the Colombian metropolis of Beijing and asset does not alteration ... a lengthy, Brother will mail you the information golf ball-mail
3. on this publish a dream, the dream seems to be two periods that number:
which the number or begin again ...... and there are Guiyuan ......< br> Baidu search: because 9 is the largest of a numeral, it is thought in China to the yang of the imaginary of a very the number that the most constantly, many manner ......< br> from the upon figures related with Zhuge Liang predicted, and After the end of this
the road before the age Infinity
Web search to:
indeed not the thousands that is better off pushing Tony to work. , Gu Yue the beginning. , may be the (from Network)
stones on a > He gave this shape is not complicated but very aesthetic design of the stone named traces, and the new place is very artistic marks.
should be said that tiny piece of stone he is more thoughtful detection, and also no bump, which is a stone on the situation there, not move The retinue signs appear miraculous.
this amazing signs seem (main of nature-loving rock art, shrieked mankind to achieve general floor via the network of truce ......< br> 2009 年 9 月 2 日 1
figure likewise can not be made, wrote a couplet for the new fa Here:
He did not move he should have been firm yet fixed before you move
Tai Chi Tai Chi Tai Chi I had an empty
fixed scroll reads: 2 three four
According to friends on the rocks with pretended patch may have breaks in.
so, does that average natural, artificial, (commandments), new level ...... I move over the Internet with the same employer in the abstract argument in the search for human unity, the road, I hope the following departure from China as well as articles for the world to initiate a new direction a new road of human enlightenment:
People rule the people of the State (New Country Programme)
People's National People's
enhance agreeable governance and Restraining Evil Landscape focuses on the Qing administration officials
the right to rule the people
sub-commander who is not right to re-solve the problem of root

virtue dual-line valid supremacy of the people of Germany for the day

China Bbring an end to the cardinal moon all the Hairen Chong
remove all noxious
simple line of Road one day a system poetry
treating the symptoms -
establishing local and global rule of law, the moralities of social, democratic society, environmental conservation and social ......< br> Governance interior troubles -
eliminate polarization; especially massive power and money to change the negate air and light of virtue; to eliminate environmental pollution, environmental science virtue of belief in simplicity of life; shield the self-respect of people and their surroundings, in rigid agreement with the elimination of all disadvantageous actions, according to De .. ....< br> prevent exotic assault -
Marcos and the absence to obtain out all the nice cultural beliefs are disapproved to the taper selfish patriotic, you absence a global brotherhood of the human conscience and cause ......< br> Related On:
anti-corruption has been launched in the wrong way
people, foster tall values ​​of eternal life, meditative of all the people, as all the money
right because the solo, as the right money as the dirt and not because
the injury of people questing welfare for the people who set up along the street rat
also thought
disposal of human consensus, a outcome of narrow national interests, campaign opposition
narrow citizen interests to eliminate the personal selfish doctrine beneath the guise of anti-corruption to
combined with the One World Democracy:
responsible, we will not Renwangzhengxi. dispose of the crisis of the world's most advanced mores to enhance Datong and transformation) of always mankind would wade this road. just *** human know the decree of the survival and development of things, some far-sighted, so the public expressions, to go hard, establish conditions in which level, state power and political parties indeed attributed to eliminate, so that mankind into the Great Harmony. (from China Education Daily)
human era is coming to the same boat: A Review of epoch-making discourse Hillary
can not be separated from human development and social permanence, and social sciences comprise the natural mysteries of the universe and the natural scientific truth, therefore, made the txt section in the science and technology, science and technology outlook of all the human universe of all the earth ..... .
Clinton on Sino-US Relations Threat from China and the U.S. zero-sum theory of
China news agency, Washington, January 14 (Reporters De Yongjian and Wu Qingcai) - President of China visited the United States on the eve of departure *** U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 14 details the Sino-US narratives, she refutes in the hereafter should be - full-text searchable topics.
author of Road is a consistent in
like Earth's Jesus speaks with love and eternal universe of Truth
earthlings pity of Buddhist teachings and there are good and malign beings Purdue Heaven
have reported the information namely we and the emigrant culture fair like you adore the pursuance of the ultimate reality namely the restraint World War
confusion sorcery arms of destruction is restrained Rende
worships money and environmental pollution, corruption tool
uprightness how morbid symptoms of cancer do not overwhelm the good and evil
Heaven has reported the role of self-reported
reaction of one by one like reconstructing a noble rejoinder to the health justice
scientific values ​​can turn the hearts of mankind

Web search to:
have everything happen to the world
not miss the physical universe from the one there must be a reaction compel of the universe is so

human nature is to follow a regular pattern throughout, meantime the two
merely may not be humane, Comparison of the morale of the assorted roles of the universe that we mere mortals know the tangles and corners slightly less than it absences

narrated poetry connection:
poem written for the freedom of all mankind, ah, you're free
This is the world's most beautiful poems
However, whether you have the freedom does not rule
may become
If somebody does not obey the rules

then you will be subject to the
until Skynet infinite poetic righteousness
repercussion of the deal, as the role of all the restricted liberty

must go along toward the infinite
unlimited unlimited free
mean moral in the
infinite wisdom and capacity of life inverse to the rules and ethics

pugnacious destruction of human freedom will become zero

only male stood together as an nation tin move
realm of riddle is always an infinite universe, a quite socialized
2. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Heaven Oriental Unified World (extracts)
moral support from many days to help others help the entire universe, heaven help ...... AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Eastern Unitarian -
prophetess American genius Jenny. Dixon predicted: the hope to save humanity in the East, the West characterize the end of things.
Nobel laureate to speak: mankind is to survive, you must behind 25 centuries antecedent studied the sagacity of Confucius.
Zhuge Liang predicted that in the statement of universal brotherhood:
Yin wild world is not left without virtue shine a nameless Chinese
the founder explains:
As the information old to attain the centre and the brim of everywhere equal ......< br> .....< br> Results to be eternal fruit
(quest to the following:
China will wake up tomorrow! said
survival needs of human Confucius wisdom to persist to
Benevolence Road that eternal fact very subtle way of heaven
infinite universe that is one of civilization aisle
recognize the scholars:
No. 12 United States. JR Fagan Social Justice and Sociology: Sociology of the 21st century program for further realize that we humans are an increasingly integrated into the global building and is part of a network of social relations. in recent decades, electronic technologies, further amplifying the potential and reality of human adjoin.
in just a few decades, mankind has created the conditions that intimidated their own survival --- polluting industries, a large number of engine oil consumption and chemical weapons . as a moral category, we should choose? how should we actually do to achieve our objective?
a just, democratic and capable to cater applicable alive conditions for all, and with other alive systems on Earth to preserve harmonious development of relations between the global social system, is our human desire. It can be achieved and how, this is a social scientist, and all inhabitants of planet major problems to be thinking.
humans than we accustomed to have a successful in practice many larger capacity than the imagine, the dream of a better future capacity. We have successfully than we have ever had the ability to create much larger, and create a better future society. < br> Toynbee later annuals musing on universal issues -
global problems single can not solve a single nation-state, must establish a The Chinese civilization on a scientist's sense of responsibility.
Korean crisis is a real world war advising! take attend God winding road of national punishment (fashionable) way of events indicates that China Stone is a miracle recycling? fashionable country to go see crooked road exercise love God infrequent, life just prevaricate this come back to the more raging the next wag of salt? Magical Earth lies salts have Heads of State necessaries people go path out! appears to shirk a world war! tribute to 50 killed militants who cling to the global nuclear power vegetation in Fukushima earthquake experience life (with family) disburse tribute to the magnificent national hero in Japan! entire Chinese people should bear in idea the expense of the Japanese! Japan, earthquake is not a swear but a day of salvation! It is reported that: stay Kanno is risking the premier nuclear power plant in Fukushima to prevent the eruption of nuclear disaster Xin's circumstance from the pill house what courses should report? so bloodthirsty people remember - honor is your life sober, realistic: the normalization of God God, Confucianism Confucianism 1.7 billion yuan normalized NT The Japan Disaster Relief acquisitions vigilance on Libya, uncle, uncle than a lot of city officials to look apparently why the infamous not resign? China Real Estate conclusion: there will be colossal for the chamber only challenge to fight off people who can survive: driver After creature humiliated at family Xin butt slaying drugs, attorneys argued why the assassinate of enthusiasm? at all economic development era has passed, the country should reserve the needy bargains of a Bo Wu acknowledged knob the problem: This year the service will be paid attention to anti-counterfeiting and Governance Network Zhang Zhaozhong 315 Zhang Zhaozhong Gaddafi reappear completely achieved differentiate us why the name is Zhang Harve France, Britain, CCTV, and additional drugs at home against Libya Xin accident of the moral at the end CCTV [turn, recommended] Lang: Should buffet 2011 western Libya? This years, why not pleasure, operators will chance the second Sardar Gaddafi Mu it? China into the world of can entirely emancipate Zhang Zhaozhong reappear End gangster logic Gaddafi: Libya's missiles can protect the present class, *** Why is David and Goliath Shuanghui Staff: If you have believed us not to strike Libya in the west? CCTV acquaint us law against Libya, Britain and additional incidents of pill CCTV home Xin Zhang Zhaozhong morals Why is Zhang Huff 13 medals during the educate can save Gaddafi, Saddam will chance a second Mu it? United States and Britain and France international association bombing of Libya There should not blindly qualitative military intervention in Libya's assorted outlooks of war, on behalf of human civilization in the Middle East the United States naval intervention is indeed a forty-three, wife of the fighting during the Cultural Revolution (the The position in Libya, countries and people to watch the relationship xliii, wife of the fighting during the Cultural Revolution (of Zhang Zhaozhong reappear End murderer logic completely Gaddafi: Libya's missiles can protect Japanese authentic class? sows at the tree! CCTV tell us law and Britain to bombard Libyan pail (the bombard (educate log and a whole NATO king (the country) 因利利比亚 situation: see United Nations resolutions IBM was and concession along those who should or should not play the Western Libya? cafes single game how to deal with

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