Thursday, May 5, 2011

000 km of coastline

China's space industry's achievements and prospects Secretary
National Space Sun Yan September 21, 2007 was invited apt the p.m. lecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dear Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, teachers and students:
very elated have the chance to come to the beauteous Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong is an internationally renowned institution of higher studying, its inception, the society with a large number of JJ, personnel, research and fruits. Today, courtesy of Lau for his kind invitation, to have the opportunity with you attach, I am very cheerful.
created last year is the 50th anniversary of China's space industry, from the 50 years since the last century, aerospace technology to progress and development of human society has made important contributions.
Today, I will an hour hardly ever, to present instructors, students briefly the development of China's space industry, including the following four areas: the history of human space activities carried out and Meaning; achievements of China's space industry; the future development of China's space industry ; on the development of China's space and experience a few thoughts.
a human sense of space activities
from archaic periods, humans on the on the head of, the sky is full of ambition and yearning for the endless, resulting in many of the elemental a muscular appetite to navigate.
12 century, the Chinese invented explosive ignited the rocket jet propulsion, which can be depicted as the first male to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
14 century, China's Ming Dynasty officials sat bundled million with 47 rockets in a preside, holding a large kite in each hand, for the first time the rocket flight attempt. Of lesson, since he absences a scientific basis, the flight failed, but his flying activities reflect the human spirit of exploration.
was asked to explore the morale of the Chinese people is not worse, I do not meditation the Chinese people carried out in the fourth century flying exploration. Despite the failure of families to decease, but is still acknowledged as the world's first person in human spaceflight, in credit of his , the International Astronomical Union will be a crater on the moon named historical process, and will continue to proceed. We can the activities of human exploration of space divided into three stages:
the first stage, preliminary exploration period. generally start from the million and Copernicus to the 19th century. the late 14th century households in China flight experiments; 16th century, the Polish astronomer Copernicus sports such as a careful study of the concept; the 17th century German astronomer Kepler discovered three decrees of planetary film, revealing the natural statutes of celestial bodies;
proposed the famous British scientist Newton's solve the dynamics of activity of celestial objects. Thus, the classical theory of celestial technicians and the early laid the foundation for launching astronauts.
the second stage, the formation of modern space and modern space flight theory start-up period.
modern space theory formation began in the early 20th century. Tsiolkovsky Russian space pioneer papers promulgated in 1903, intended the outstanding Tsiolkovsky formula, emulated by two important papers have been published, he made use of Rocket comes with oxidant proxies as flight dynamics and combustion, and use the form to the first cosmic speed multistage rocket for the modern astronauts pointed out a practical path.
he had said: human beings will not lies to the cradle, and will continue to explore new objects and space. fluid rocket fired flight .1942, the former Nazi Germany during World War II built a V-2 liquid missile, the use of liquid rocket will launch the warheads than three hundred miles away. Indeed, the Soviet Union, the United States or our Chinese , engage in space are started from the missile.
third phase, the period of modern human space activities. primarily refers to human space activities in 1957, fifty years since the development process.
1957 年 10 4, before converted Soviet ballistic missile launch vehicles by the successful launch of the human's first artificial earth satellite, the human exploration of external space opened up a new era is just this year its fiftieth annual. For half a century, human space activities flying around the Earth from the planet to explore, from unmanned flight to manned flight, and achieved quick development.
1961 年 4 12, the sometime Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin completed the first human space flight history human to achieve a historic breakthrough in manned spaceflight .1969-1972, the United States, 6 batches of 12 astronauts landed on the moon, creating a human set foot on the land records of celestial bodies, we may know the first walk on the moon U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong on the moon mentioning 6000 spacecraft, including communications, remote sensing, navigation, scientific experiments, such as different intentions, flee on different satellite orbits, and a variety of deep space probes. At present there are more than 800 satellites in orbit.
with person space industry colossal progress, China's space industry has made brilliant accomplishments. We Chinese in 1970 April 24 daily-developed Long March carrier rocket their successful launch of its own developed Dongfanghong false world satellite, please remember this day in the 5 years that China has become the world's first satellite launch vehicle and adult countries, this is a quite noteworthy accident.
(b) Characteristics and significance of space activities and space activities of whichever famous
the specific? what significance it? amount up, we can answer from the four areas:
first excellent exploration and innovation. explore the unknown world of human ecology. exploration of outer space is to amplify human cognitive domain. now gathered in the human exploration of space on two major issues, is how the solar system formed, and the other is what is the origin of life, no life on other celestial bodies.
American astronomer Carl? Sagan in his the number of planets and stars as many about the number, that is about 1022 planets in such a large number of years, it only an mediocre star is the sun Fengyun inhabited planets by with it? objects whether there is absolutely life is what they do?
scientists also found that more than 90% of the universe, the matter, not human to know the matter, yet not light nor black material light absorption and reflection. Other alike problems are still numerous absences of human to browse. For these problems, limited range is not entirely question the earth. So, do you want comprehending the outdoor earth, not fair content to lay in the cradle of the earth, and to obtain out of the cradle, into space to browse the nameless world. < br> The second is a major strategic. spaceflight activities, the quality, scale and impact, with enormous strategic averaging. some of the world renowned scientists, survival and development depends on electricity and fuel as and initiatives that are strategic, narrated to national economic, technological and security strategy of the high ground, all reflect the will of the country. This is what we call the space development is the overall national development strategy is an important chapter.
three high-tech, high investment, high risk, high-efficiency co-exist. aerospace activities, scientific blend of the many categories and high-tech, necessitating enormous economic aid, a project often requires hundreds of millions to billions, even tens of billions of capital investment For example, a large-capacity communications satellite to be 2-3 billion U.S. dollars, the price of a space shuttle orbiter about 17 billion (Endeavour), every flight of about 5 million; the Hubble Space Telescope manufacturing and launch costs only amounted to 1.5 billion; the International Space Station construction spend tens of billions of dollars.
space industry but also have tall benefits, including economy benefits, military benefits and social benefits. the economy and social benefits, for example, according to Statistics in space each $ 1 provided, the resulting straight and indirect returns of approximately 7 to $ 12.
U.S. Apollo moon project generated 3,000 patents, 1,300 transferred to the national economy, a number of areas. from therapeutic use of CT scanners to children diapers materials (diapers is the first orchestra of astronauts to solve problems on the toilet in space), from large computers to simulation technology, all from this enormous project. China's space program also enhance technological innovation and development. According to statistics, about 2,000 aerospace technology results have been transplanted directly into the national economy in many areas.
Second, the achievements of China's space industry
20 century,beijing escort, 50 years, China's new government has just the birth of a weak economic basis, industry and technology is backward, left undone, in array to achieve national independence and the maintenance of citizen security under tough conditions at the time, the Central Government to develop its own barricade industry, as with Chairman Mao Zedong pointed out as: This capability of the missile from the starting of .1956 on October 8, China's first fifth missile research creations mm Defense Research Institute was formally built in China from the United States returned Mr. well-known scientist Qian first chancellor. We see this day as the production appointment of China's space industry.
After 50 years of business development, the right of the central government decision-making and leadership, the space industry through the development of launch vehicles, satellites, manned spacecraft, deep space exploration, etc. several stages, has formed a system and scale. have advanced rockets, satellites, manned spacecraft design capabilities, manufacturing capabilities, comprehensive testing and test capabilities, and reliable launch capability and effective monitoring and control management.
1 mm Long March carrier rocket into space into space is the ability to carry out the foundation and obligation for space activities. In launch vehicles, the China's current total of 12 different models of Long March carrier rocket, with 9.5 tons of near-Earth orbit, 5.6 tons synchronous transfer orbit carrying capacity; with a variety of low-orbit launches high capacity, most of the world to launch commercial satellites.
the technical level, we are advancing in the low-temperature technology, bonding technology, multi-satellite launch an signal technology and other appearances, with the world advanced level. So distant, the Long March array of carrier rockets were 102 flights, the 87 servant satellites and 6 spacecraft into space, the 28 foreign commercial satellites into orbit. Long March rocket before the 50 launched with 28 years (April 24, 1970 -1997 on December 8), 50 times in just 9 years and all the successful launch. After 50 years of business development, the right of the central government decision-making and leadership, the space industry through the development of launch vehicles, satellites, manned spacecraft, deep space exploration, and several other stages, has formed a system and scale. have advanced rockets, satellites, manned spacecraft design capabilities, manufacturing capacity , complete testing and test capacity, reliable and effective monitoring and control launch capability management.
2, man-made earth satellite series Development and application of satellite capacity mm
China in 1965, officially launched the first satellite development program, After 4 years of development,'s first satellite Dong Fang Hong 1 mm in the nightfall of 24 April 1970 9:35 -1 by the Long March rocket was successfully launched. China became the Soviet Union, United States, France, the fifth day later God sent the satellite countries, is the third self-developed, independent countries to launch satellites. After 40 years of development, our country yet has communications, remote sensing, navigation and positioning, the seven satellites and scientific experiments.
in communication satellites: In 1984, China's first geostationary tentative communications satellite was successfully launched The East is Red II opened up the cause of China's satellite communications era, our country became an independent country launch geostationary satellites. Since then we have launched the East Red II A Practical communication satellite, Dong Fang Hong Three middle-broadcast satellite communications capacity. This year, we use the East is Red IV (DFH-4) large GEO satellite platform for the successful development of Nigeria and in the large-capacity communications satellite launched . This is the first to backup the plenary star, made the export of satellites to the world mall, a historic step. The East is Red IV platform design life of 15 years, the output power of 10.5 KW, appropriate for large-capacity communications, broadcasting, television broadcast, etc. . At present, we have a collateral development of multi-satellite capabilities, the success of East is Red IV platform, the development and export of the whole star, marking China's satellite development has reached a new height.
communications satellite in China's TV broadcasting, distance schooling, telecommunications transmission, and other fields has been widely used, offers hundreds of business services. In the past there is not communication satellite, Yunnan, Xinjiang and other remote districts, do not watch the day's television news procedures, in mountainous and remote districts, there is no way even the phone With the communication satellite, these problems are solved. Currently, dozens of sets of communication satellite TV programs imagine that the population of television coverage of more than 90%; to three thousand people have received a college pedagogy, television, distance education network Training of campus graduates has reached more than 200 million people, the existing more than 1,600 people in educate. The central government implemented the 100,000 executive villages of the television coverage blind specks.
in remote sensing satellites: 80 years since the 20th century, we have formed a meteorological satellites, resource satellites, nautical satellites in three remote sensing satellite series.
mm satellite: 80 in the last century in China launched its first geostationary orbit meteorological satellite countries. two meteorological satellites have achieved a stable business applications, and is included in the World Meteorological Organization, business applications of satellite sequences, which, Storm Riders II 1 day in advance prognosis of increased forecast 2 weeks in advance. In recent years, China's extensive use of satellite remote sensing of floods, droughts, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, pests and diseases for forecasting and assessment, our country billions of dollars each year to reduce the natural losses caused by disasters. [14:32]
mm Earth Resources Satellite: 90s of last century, China and Brazil, China and Pakistan jointly developed the first generation of China's mining, surveying, farming, forestry, land, water conservancy, oceanography, environmental protection, disaster mitigation, transmission, and local and urban maneuvering, etc. are warmhearted accustomed in the national land resources examine, ecological conservation, natural gas and the Three Gorges Project, the South and other important construction played one important role in the.
we developed in cooperation with the Brazilian satellite CBERS remote sensing image, length 120 km, the resolution of 20 meters; width of 890 km, the resolution of 250 meters. At present we varieties of data have been archived more than 100 million King, King distribute 20 million user departments. for the Chinese territory, the scene cross the country over the picture to 1320, and immediately we get coverage of the picture is equivalent to 100 times the Chinese territory.
China resources satellite remote sensing satellites with food crop production, in the past we do not have remote sensing satellites, foreign remote sensing satellites predicted by universal food production, if the forecast slit, it is up to food hoarding, serves decent amount, if the increase, up to sell. With remote sensing satellites, we may for food crop production. We are rigid national land policy, but the 9.6 million square kilometers, pipe, whatsoever, the share of farmland in some locations, how do you know what the government is now monitoring the use of remote sensing satellite, indiscriminate use of land people can not escape, so the local officials said the satellite to aid them amend the ability to govern.
Second, the achievements of China's space industry
20 century, 50 years, China's new government has just come into a weak economic foundation, industry and technology very backward, left undone, in order to achieve national independence and the maintenance of national security under difficult conditions at the time, the Central Government to develop its own defense industry, consist in ... Chairman Mao Zedong pointed out: bullying also engage in their own sophisticated weapons, .1956 on October 8, China's first fifth missile research institutions mm Defense Research Institute was formally established in China from the United States returned Mr. renowned scientist Qian first president. We see this day as China's space industry Create date.
After 50 annuals of affair evolution, the right of the chief administration decision-making and leading, the space manufacture through the development of fire vehicles, satellites, manned spaceship, deep space exploration, and several other stages, has formed a system and scale. have progressive rockets, satellites, manned spacecraft chart capabilities, manufacturing capabilities, comprehensive testing and test capabilities, and reliable fire skill and efficacious monitoring and control treatment.
1, Long March carrier rocket into space mm the competence to behaviour space activities into the space is the basis and premise. in launch vehicle, the China's current aggregate of 12 assorted models of Long March carrier rocket, with 9.5 tons of near-Earth orbit, synchronous transmit orbit 5.6 tons carrying capacity; have The cheap number of high orbit launch capability to launch commercial satellites maximum of the world.
the technical level, we are advancing in the low-temperature technology, bonding technology, a stone's throw multi-satellite launch technology, etc., with the world advanced level. So far, the Long March series of carrier rockets were 102 flights, the 87 domestic satellites and six spacecraft into space, the 28 foreign commercial satellites into orbit. Long March rocket launches first 50 took 28 years (1970 April 24 -1997 on December 8), 50 times in just nine years and all the successful launch.
2, man-made earth satellite series Development and application of satellite capacity mm in 1965, China officially launched the first satellite development program, after four years of development,'s first satellite Dong Fang Hong 1 mm in the evening of 24 April 1970 9:35 -1 by the Long March rocket was successfully launched. China became the Soviet Union, the United States, France, After the fifth day God sent the satellite countries, is the third self-developed, independent countries to launch satellites. After 40 years of development, our country already has communications, remote sensing, navigation, scientific experiments, seven satellites.
in communication satellites: In 1984, China's first geostationary experimental communications satellite was successfully launched The East is Red II opened up the cause of China's satellite communications era, our country became an independent country launching geostationary satellites. After We have launched the East is Red II A Practical communication satellite, Dong Fang Hong Three middle-broadcast satellite communications capacity. This year, we use the East is Red IV (DFH-4) large GEO satellite platform, successfully developed and launched in Nigeria a large-capacity communications satellite. This is the first to export the entire star, taken the export of satellites to the world market historic step. The East is Red IV platform design life of 15 years, the output power of 10.5 KW, suitable for large-capacity communication radio, television broadcast and so on. Currently, we have the ability to multi-satellite in parallel development, the success of East is Red IV platform, the development and export of the whole star, marking China's satellite development has reached a new height.
communications satellite TV in China broadcasting, distance education, telecommunications, transport and other fields has been widely used, offers hundreds of business services. In the past there is no communication satellite, Yunnan, Xinjiang and other remote areas, do not see the day's television news programs, in mountainous and remote areas, and even there is no way on the phone, with the communication satellite, these problems have been solved. At present, dozens of sets of communication satellite TV programs assume that the population of TV coverage of more than 90%; to three thousand people have received a college TV education, distance education network training of university graduates has reached over 200 million people, the existing more than 1,600 people in school. The central government implemented the platform to address the 100,000 administrative villages nationwide television coverage of the blind spot.
in remote sensing satellites: 80 years since the 20th century, we have formed a meteorological satellites, resource satellites, oceanic satellites in three remote sensing satellite series.
mm meteorological satellites: China in the late 80's, launched its first sun-synchronous orbit and geostationary orbit meteorological satellites of the country. 2 meteorological satellites have fulfilled a settled business petitions, and is comprised in the World Meteorological Organization, the business applications of satellite sequences, which, to portend, Weather anticipate from the forecast can merely be additional to 1 day in advance 2 weeks in advance forecast. In recent years, extensive use of satellite remote sensing to torrent, drought, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, pests and ailments as forecasting and appraisal, so that to decrease our anniversary tens of billions of losses caused by normal calamities.
mm earth resources satellites: 90s of last century, China and Brazil, China and Pakistan jointly developed the first generation of China's mining, surveying, agriculture, forestry, land, water conservancy, oceanography, environmental protection, disaster mitigation, transportation, and regional and urban planning, etc. are widely used in the nationwide land resources survey, ecological protection, natural gas and the Three Gorges Project, the South and other major construction played an important role in the.
we developed in cooperation with the Brazilian satellite CBERS remote sensing image, width 120 km, the resolution of 20 meters; width of 890 km, the resolution of 250 meters. At present we kinds of data have been archived more than 100 million King,in the final 2 minutes ahead a victor, King distribute 20 million user departments. for the Chinese territory, the scene across the country over the image to 1320, and now we get the images covering land equivalent to 100 times. China's resources satellites with remote sensing satellites for food crop production, in the past we do not have remote sensing satellites, foreign remote sensing satellites with the predicted global food production, if the forecast cut, it is up to food hoarding, serves decent price, if the increase, up to sell. With remote sensing satellites, We may also for food crop production. We are strict national land policy, but the 9.6 million square kilometers, pipe, however, the share of farmland in some places, how do you know what the government is now monitoring the use of remote sensing satellite, indiscriminate use of land and its people can not escape out, so the local officials said the satellite to help them improve the ability to govern.
mm marine satellite: Entering the 21st century, we have launched two marine-1A and 1B satellite ocean exploration and monitoring for marine pollution monitoring, sea ice forecasting, coastal region features of inquiry, exploration and other marine resources. The two satellites on China's coastal waters, a large number of observations. they are the basis of message got in the development of ocean marine business in China played an important role, and achieved remarkable social and economic benefits. < br> 21 century the century of the sea, China has 300 million square kilometers of sea area, 18,000 km of coastline, maritime satellite can monitor sea color monitoring of marine pollution, but also can be used for fishing. such as tuna favor water temperature at 27 degrees environment, especially in the temperature of the interface district, marine satellite can detect water temperature,toronto escorts, according to the temperature to find fish.
in retrievable satellites: China successfully launched and in 1975's first recoverable satellite regained and become The third country to master satellite recovery technology. So far, we have successfully launched and recovered 5 types, 21 recoverable satellites. Our working hours of satellite in orbit for up to 27 days. use of recoverable satellites, we have the resources to carry out survey, charting, geological surveys and other remote sensing applications, also uses satellite platform returns for domestic and foreign users and more than 100 micro-gravity space environment under the conditions of materials, life science experiments, and carry tests and other crop seeds. master satellite Back to the difficulty of high technologies, recoverable satellites through the air, the technical requirements of high thermal protection, and landed in the exact position to the need to master the advanced orbit control technology. With the return type of satellite technology, we can carry out a manned space activities, drawing on the technology to the astronauts into space after the astronauts return safely to the ground.
here I acquaint the students a few samples. of the particular use of space micro-gravity environment of crystal growth in space, successfully carried out gallium arsenide, mercury cadmium telluride semiconductor crystals and nonlinear optical crystal growth experiments, and achieved productive results. microgravity environment of space also received high-quality protein crystals, master of likely bio-pharmaceutical technology and means of space.
We recoverable satellites were equipped with 300 kinds of agricultural seed testing, completed more than 50 strains of large-scale cultivation improvement. After the seed propagating in space, 10% addition than the original category -20%, and increased drought, water logging, disease resistance. At present, the machinery of making increase is still under study, and why God can corner a few laps after the high-yield and pest-resistant,shenzhen escort, this machinery is as yet clear, is still under study. such as carrying up the butterfly orchid, go turn a few laps into a butterfly green, the field in space applications, space is our specialty breeding. Last year, the specialized breeding of crops for the return of space-style breeding satellite positioning technology and less chief investment, self-development, construction of the first generation of navigation and positioning services. Currently, the navigation satellite has been in the citizen economy, social development and citizen defense has played an important role in the field.
in science and technology experiment satellite: the 40 years has launched 10 species of science and technology test satellites, including 8 China developed and launched 80 satellites artificial Earth satellite.
3, manned space flight Shenzhou manned spacecraft mm ability students have very cared about our country's manned space project. manned space project called ; 921 Project October 15, 2003, driving space hero Yang Liwei in space Shenzhou 5 spacecraft, flying 23 hours, successfully completed China's first manned flight, signal the independent control of the manned space technology .2005 October 12 to 17 , the astronauts Fei and Nie Haisheng completed a successful task, Shenzhou VI, China's manned space comprehension of a 2 by 5 days (115.5 hours), the astronauts directly comprised in space activities, a new bound in scientific experiments. China became Russia and the United States The world's first manned space flight technology to main the country, which is the proud of the Chinese nation.
our spacecraft has its own characteristics and innovation, and the formation of more than 100 new technologies with independent mastermind attribute rights and new methods. Shenzhou spacecraft used a three-compartment building, two couples of solar pinion configuration,beijing escort, the escalator control returns and the Dome of parachute recovery program, with a high comprehension level, for the three astronauts can invest a cozy environment. spaceship orbital module and a habitation module and the left rail test room feature, parking orbit for several months in space science exploration and technological experiment, as China's manned space project a singular trait. From Shenzhou II to V, through the orbital module on the four 135, 188 instruments for earth detection, remote sensing, space science and applications experiments
4, Chang'e Project mm capacity of deep space exploration here, I would favor to introduce to the students converge is treading up arrangements for lunar exploration Project .2004 year, the State Council ratified China's lunar exploration project to the Chinese lunar probe project was officially launched development. we give the project to take the
this project will be implemented in 3 periods, can be simply briefed for flight around the moon lunar satellite, scientific contention ought be cried Lunar Orbiter, or detectors, we will Fengyun lunar satellite labeled The distribution of factors, finding the thickness of lunar taint, the needle to the Moon from the Earth's surroundings space.
Fengyun lunar satellite launch this to solve many problems, such as lunar probe flew over the moon, about 380,000 km away from us, we how to pathway it? radio marker circulation through the 38 million meters will be very attenuated, how do we communicate with it, how to control it?
the same size of the power transmission signal, Chang'e 1 launch of the signals to reach Earth , its strength is only geostationary satellite launch 1 percent of the signals, near-earth orbit satellite launch one of the signals of the millions of
lunar satellite by solar panels to provide energy, experience the shadow, no the light, how to solve the energy problem? remote sensing of the Moon, the sensor or camera aligned with the moon, to communicate with the floor ...

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