Thursday, May 5, 2011

why no commerce Yao Ming and Shark

Northern School of Sichuan attention: Yao Ming as shark outrageous peppery fantasies guide Rockets compliant to give up a cash cow?
Source: Sina Sports
Beijing May 14 message to the injured Yao Ming, the Rockets and the Lakers can not be array proceed to endow their energy while the Phoenix Suns fans have intended a crazy idea: why not commerce Yao Ming and Shark? This would grant the rocket and the sun a win-win situation.
the fans that were phoned ryansunsfan Yao Ming's injury location has again been critical moment of the war situation of the rocket, this is really quite embarrassed the Rockets,2. Xiaotangshan berry picking Park,shenzhen massage, both times in the regular season, alternatively in the now tense moments. and there are arguments that a rocket proposed apt focus no so fragile people to the reconstruction (of way, here that namely not O'Neill.) Rockets already have a altitude barricade level, so with a huge shark, even now he has his own above the defensive disability, it is still the rocket will have a positive clash, especially in the playoffs. Moreover, whether the test fails, it does not material. for the shark next compact will expire by the end of the season, be proficient apt remove a 20 million hat space, aiming at the reconstruction of anyone one ball Teams are value pursuing.
the sun, the Yao and Stoudemire assume pairing it, Yao is the association of the more underrated defensive athletes, with his body, in truth, is his aptitude to migrate Yes, and he does not get cracking too many space inside,beijing escort, because he has nice technique in the actors.
then the Yao Ming it? where the benefits of the transaction? entire the weeks, Phoenix's medical group in the league outstanding. If the sun can make Shaquille O'Neal and Grant - Hill are teens,beijing escort, Hill has played this season, 82 games. Well, Yao Ming's injury or problem with?
, of course, fans have extra cause that the Rockets do not may give up Yao Ming tree Bi Shake low, because this summer he will surely must sign a huge contract. Although the sharks near the end of his profession, he is entering the era of Yao Moreover,shenzhen massage, the league's top centre too were a few, yet received a top centre will amount to approval of his weaknesses, for Yao Ming, is his injury, for the shark, it is his big mouth.

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