Thursday, May 5, 2011

what attracted me

News have written the basis of Q
: Tian Feng
1, why should have written this news?
Every day many things occurring around us, many things are changing, what attracted me, so I ambition to write it down, it can be regarded as a news? generally, to paint attention to the new changes can transform news. attention to the extra vast surface, the higher is the degree of concern, the greater the news value. face of a subject, we must first determine if it is newsworthy.
2, how to do this subject can be?
news tin have a kind, a easy dynamic news, and some can be a deep fable. Dynamic News in pursuance of new and quick, the pursuance of special reports is the depth, digging via the phenomenon of ecology, Fifteen countries, released yesterday, the forbid and other polluting corporations.
survey depth reports such for news, special reports, etc. are not necessarily a recent occurrence, merely it must be excavating something current, such as: advantage brought us chopsticks What's backward the sand behind into the additional. do news apt browse the deeper depth, the greater the amount reported.
resolute in consensus with the specific subject stuff can be made of what type it. On this basis, develop an interview outline. Interview outline should contain, what to cover, a side who should be interviewed. At the same time, to understand some background information before the interview, with the theme of the interviews with some basic knowledge of the interviewee have some information.
3, the face of this subject I should proceed from the understanding of what and how questions?
news of the most important of the 5 basic ingredients, namely is often said of the 5 W: WHERE WHEN WHO WHAT WHY. have written five questions from the news first begin with them always diagramed out, a news interview will largely successful.
such as a news story: environmental talks;
2) who held (WHO) - Environmental Protection Volunteers Association, Sichuan University;
3) What time is systematized (WHEN) - t on t on the nightfall;
4) in any place (WHERE) - Sichuan University Library;
5) Why host (WHY) - mark the World Earth Day.
five W setting up the skeleton of a press, and then increase some appended information and lively live interviews, it can become a eligible news. For example, the content of speeches, talks to be held, the scene is such a lukewarm or cold and cheerless.
4, how to face the depth of mining topics?
need to do is dig deep sensitive news sense and an objective and just outlook. such as the examples mentioned earlier, in the minds of many people will surely fashion a subjective impression: Thus, some people will have written news bounce excluding, or ignore their own considering. But if one ask why, a superb depth of coverage may occur.
such as: What environmental talks deserted shows ?
everyone's environmental awareness is languid? school students do not assist the development of society? or environmental information become a mere formality?
along these in-depth interviews to get a very good report, according to news it could be the access to write a agreeable depth of coverage.
5, have written how to determine the focus of news?
the occurrence of many things are alike or even cyclical, such as brand World Earth Day every year, so have written to find the news when the news focus. such as the commemoration of Earth Day this year,toronto escorts, any new functions, what is most unique and seize the main traits of the most innovative thing to have written the focus on determining News point.
Each year, manifold seminars and celebrations such as this year's environmental awareness and party is the same, what new things do?
example: In the past all the pertinent government departments and school organization, this year's spontaneous celebration is held in environmental protection volunteers. Thus, at this point to be spontaneous as the focus of news.
6, how to determine the focus of news around its own problems?
face a news story, ahead of find out its five W, so you can write a press pass; then the focus should also be designed around the issues of press interviews, so as to be matchless and vivid perspective of the news. the same theme, from a different point of view can be written different news,toronto escorts, the only focus of the interviews around their distinctive is likely the news.
determine the focus is on environmental protection volunteers, held the first spontaneous, then the problem should be designed around this theme. < br> For example: The fancy is to subserve environmental protection come, why should the devise theme of this seminar, held in memorial of the spontaneous meet anybody difficulties there, what is expected to be fulfilled, the most mysterious feelings that?, etc. other.
7, faced with different objects to determine their own interview questions to ask?
location by the right time to interview the right folk is a very important news, the most important is interviewed inquire the right answers. some of the problems are fitting for everyone, such as environmental protection to participate in this seminar what your private emotions? But some questions will be damaged whether the dislocation of the authenticity of the news.
the face of environmental volunteer organization the person in dictate asked What is appraisal? focus?
lot of valuable information really comes from the depth of mining, the location beyond their expectations must not easily let work, so be sure not to give up asking. such as the face of government divisions, asking ; may respond a lot of people would expect There are many difficulties in event treatment? cares almost lack of experience volunteers may be doing erroneous? volunteers is grandstanding? other.
If this is a situation which, it manifested in any place, based on what is ? so.
after the confirmation of these things can be valuable information according to which the design problem and then re-interviewed stakeholders. such as the emergence of these reasons? What is your view on this? is not civil protection activities a common problem? carried out environmental activities for the future What are the effects?
clues according the questioning, a valuable new depth reports seemed.
9, how to make the news interesting me ?
some news reports the news of their high normal very attractive, but to make a not of concern roused world consideration on the need for considerable capability. environmental news many of the latter, of special note annual news reports. Therefore, as news spread ahead the public must understand the basics. people are most receptive to what? very important point is to rely on vivid characters and stories. vivid characters and stories of people's understanding and memories all better than abstract theory and data.
make an attractive increase to news than news itself should also have written the news to ascertain the appropriate entry point,shanghai escort, which also requires sensitivity to the news, from the familiar life and found in small shine spot.
instance, immediately have written a news theme: a remote prairie town of Litang will focus on the future of environmental protection into the top location of grassland development.
you can interview a particular local government work will also be introduced in regional environmental protection departments to provide data files and so aboard. But how do you make from the grasslands to care about these conferences and the public data? you must have something active and moving play. If you do to proceed, the result may be very alter.
because in the near future, Litang has been a aggregate ban on plastic bags, even cooked edible can only be accustom to buy paper bags. Litang of these environmental protection fathom are implemented from a certain time to start .....primarily for the depth of coverage, because it does not necessarily happen by a new lead out, so disburse attention to find these vivid stories as a starting point is especially important.
10, how to make ordinary people understand vocational mighty environmental news?
a large amount of professional terminology is clearly written for the public to see go. even if it is the depth of coverage nor can it be equal to the investigation of environmental protection paper, if you must use the terminology and data must also be become it into a language everyone can understand. such as a hazardous substance in a river has exceeded the number of times a standard, professional file you put into them, we can not accept, you must think what is forcible communication means. < br> If we express it as: In this statement, the general public for the river is the knowledge of the level of pollution is apparently better than the professional papers must type a press release.
11, how to write press releases?
different from book press releases mutual manner, which generally use the inverted pyramid form, that is the most important thing mentioned first. First, news headlines, followed by introductions, and then the list of events.
Thus, in a reception unlock prior to seize this press the gist of the maximum major object, it condensed into a title and try to get this title easily attractive. and then the chief contents of this news to express an or two sentences, written introductions, written later the event scatter . This is for the audience namely selective to receive message, they do not like the students to read the text to read as Yiziyizi, you have merely the maximum devoted to tell them to save an event, seek to preoccupy to them, only they are will begin to attract the future began in ardent to discern press release.
such as writing a story about a river's environmental news.
Title: Save certain River
Lead: exceeded a certain polluting rivers, rivers alive difficulties, eager to control the river
body: the face of an acre of corn crops, Zhang age male tears. Zhang antique man lived in a certain river, this year it was too dry, seeing the corn Drought, he poured water directly from the river, who knows the next daytime all the water had shriveled corn. In the elapse the river remove, there are many fish in the water, the river is still a young man shrieked Zhang old man fish. Since last year , built in a small paper mill upstream, the river water began to darken .......< br> a real Pham Van (Chengdu Commercial Daily, June 24, 2002)
Title: residing in a hotel, amuse bring toothpaste toothbrush
Lead: July along, the first cancellation of part of Chengdu, a hotel room in the three-star hotel general manager, Yunlong Xu Minghua announced that from July 1 along, the hotel rooms will no longer set the 3-layer toothpaste, toothbrushes,beijing massage, combs, bottled bath gel, shampoo bottles, change comes from the guests on the grounds that halt the supply of toothpaste, toothbrushes and so is its. Xu Minghua given to the reporter on this initiative 3 reasons: the high spend of garbage, not environmental.
determination, Xu Minghua has been very hesitant. Xu Minghua said that in the extensive majority of visitors are not attractive,I could be stifled, possibilities before the plan was assumed, and made the first test in some chambers. also provides that in the floor to be cleared 26,27,28 rooms 60 rooms reserves the toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, bath gel bottle, bottled shampoo, to emulate up. small pieces level, is based on the services provided by the hotel exam scores, but also ;. But Foreign motel star assortment and evaluation
Yesterday, the Provincial Tourism Association, said the statement concerned, the Provincial Tourism Association strongly supports not entirely meet the > Pham Van Comments:
This is a typical according to a press release written in inverted pyramid format;
this post gives a simple but including the core content of the title, and titles are effortless to grab people. < br> It is the adviser gives a basic fact language, highlighting its news focus.
a press release it clearly at the outset of the five news answered W.
completed the basic facts in the chronicle After the reporter did not stop there, but the depth, given a few questions nigh these issues to make a simple tiny news coverage of a depth so that readers studied a lot from the middle of the backdrop information. < br>

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